SkylineGlobe Web Package - What’s New
New features in SkylineGlobe Web Package v6.5.1
Upgrade your SkylineGlobe Web Package to the latest v6.5.1 release now.
SkylineGlobe Web Package v6.5.1 Release Notes
New features
- Upgraded to support nearly all of the v6.5 TerraExplorer features:
- 3D mesh layer (3DML) loading, analysis, and spatial querying.
- All the new TerraExplorer analysis tools.
New features in SkylineGlobe Web Package 6.1
SkylineGlobe Web Package v6.1 Release Notes
New features
- User Interface Enhancements
- Ribbon control
- Context sensitive tab
- SkylineGlobe menu
- SkylineGlobe Project Tree
- Maximized 3D View
- Customizable logo/ data-provider
- User login integrated into ribbon
- Analysis Tools
- TerraExplorer analysis tools available to SkylineGlobe users
- New area measurement tools
- Viewshed analysis along a route
- Enhanced Capabilities
- Create and play presentations
- Create movie from presentation
- Extended navigation options
- Navigation tools
- Screen overlay
- Environmental effects
- Users and roles
- Unified search tools
- Advanced Capabilities Available to TerraExplorer Plus Users
- Import all supported feature layers
- Import all supported imagery and elevation layers
- Draw and edit all 2D and 3D shapes
- Advanced Capabilities Available to TerraExplorer Pro Users
- Query and edit feature layers
- Publish offline kits
- Advanced drawing tools
- SkylineGlobe 2D Map
- Portability and compatibility
- 2D Map tools
- Screen overlay
- Integration in SkylineGlobe WP
- 2D Map ribbon
- 2D Map Project Tree
- Switch between 2D-3D modes
- Mobile 2D Map
- SkylineGlobe 2D Map API
- SkylineGlobe Manager
- Enhanced customization